Tag Archives: JAH John Anthony Hill

7/7 Ripple Effect Producer Muad’Dib Arrested Again

3 Feb

jah-muaddibEdinburgh – Muad’Dib, known for his widely-acclaimed documentary film 7/7 Ripple Effect, was arrested in Luton on Jan. 29, 2017; and transferred to Scotland.

Muad’Dib/JAH (John Anthony Hill) was detained by UK border officials Sunday and put in police custody. The arrest stemmed from a warrant issued by the Sheriff’s Court in Edinburgh, Scotland.

He was handed over to G4S security firm just after 11:30 p.m. G4S took him overnight directly to the Sheriff’s Court in Edinburgh on Monday morning, Jan. 30. According to Scotland Police, he was never put in their custody.

After being held overnight in the Saughton Prison, Muad’Dib/JAH again appeared before the Sheriff’s Court on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 31. He was charged with “A Threat To Kill”; and was released on bail later that day.

This charge and arrest warrant involves his Amicus Curiae Briefs – Affidavits of Truth submitted to the Courts pertaining to the recent IndyCamp cases in Edinburgh, where IndyCampers went head-to-head with the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB).

In the Affidavit, dated 1 August 2016, JAH refuted Alan Turnbull’s legal, therefore not lawful, opinion concerning the IndyCamp eviction. JAH magnified God’s Law in an irrefutable 8-page document, commanding that God’s United Kingdom of Israel (British Israel – The Union of Jacob/Jack) uphold its Covenant with God, citing that all their man-made legislation is fraudulent, because God commanded His people to not add or subtract from The Perfect Royal Law of Liberty that He gave Moses at Mount Sinai, as written in Deut. 4:2 and 12:32. Judges in British Israel are commanded to uphold only God’s Law, which Elizabeth herself swore to maintain to the UTMOST of her power. It is written in Deut. 17:10-13, that if they refuse to administer God’s Law, then under The Law, they should be executed. JAH said they must repent and administer only God’s Law.

The affidavits and background on his efforts to help Scotland, and the world, against the New World Order, its beast system, and prevent the coming world war, can be read online at King of Scotland (JAHTalk.thefarrellreport.net/king-of-scotland); and the chronological order of these efforts can be viewed at Back to Bethel (JAHTalk.thefarrellreport.net/back-to-bethel). Both of these pages are found on whistleblower Tony Farrell’s website. Farrell was sacked by the South Yorkshire Police as their principal intelligence analyst, for speaking truth to power and not going along with a false terror assessment concerning the 7/7 London bombings.

JAH’s involvement in IndyCamp comes from backing supporters in the fight for Scotland’s independence through the return to him of the real Stone of Destiny and actual independence through the True Biblical Jubilee, which commands that all debts be cancelled, and the land and wealth be redistributed among the people.

In 2009, Muad’Dib/JAH was arrested on the charge of “perverting the course of justice” for sending DVD copies of the 7/7 Ripple Effect, as an Amicus Curiae Brief to an UK Court, to help clear three Muslim patsies alleged to be accomplices in the 7/7 London bombings. After being extradited to England to stand trial, he was found innocent of any wrongdoing in May 2011. More about the 7/7 case can be read on the Friends of Muad’Dib website at mtrial.org.

The shortlink to this release is http://wp.me/p2TF2i-IX