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What Is Tony Farrell Up To On The Rock of Gibraltar?

11 Aug

8 July 2023 UPDATE

Originally this post featured an interview Tony Farrell gave about a 4-part report he turned in to the Royal Gibraltar Police in 2021, also featured on the Gibraltar Messenger.

Tony has continued his assignment on The Rock of Gibraltar – to bring down the walls of corruption and injustice.

Find out what Tony has been currently up to on his page on Gibraltar Messenger – Tony Farrell • Gibraltar Messenger. His latest involves a letter to the Gibraltar Police Commissioner.

Tony Farrell Between A Rock and A Hard Place

4 Aug

Tony Farrell befriends one of the apes on his tour of the Upper Rock of Gibraltar.

Tony Farrell is on The Rock – that is – the Rock of Gibraltar. And he is chiseling away at the hardened opinions, beliefs, and actions of key Gibraltarians and entities. It’s a slow process to get people to soften to the Truth, much less to get them to act Justly.

But in terms of his approach and delivery of The Message, “Tony rocks!”

Just read his latest report, “Main Street Blues”, to see how he poignantly calls out the Royal Gibraltar Police who repeatedly threatened him with “arrest” for doing what he Lawfully and legally had a right to do – a silent, Scriptural vigil.

This hasn’t been his first run-in with the RGP. He was also detained during the Gibraltar’s National Day Celebration last September, being wrongfully profiled as a possible terrorist by two officers. This incident is described in Farrell’s report, “Casemates Square Blues”.

Still yet, his adventures on The Rock don’t stop with encounters with the police, Farrell is making his presence known with the churches; highlighted in “Vision On The Rock”.

Farrell also features a few other Gibraltar-related reports on his website

If you’ve been wondering what he is up to lately, his reports on his website will get you up to speed. He also can be found on Twitter @SleuthER96 campaigning for Truth and Justice about the Hillsborough Tragedy.

“Rock on, Tony.”

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What if God Was One of Us? Amen Calling.

15 Jul

In the 1995 song “One of Us”, Joan Osborn sang:

If God had a name, what would it be?
And would you call it to His face?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?

Could you come up with one question? Could you bring yourself to ask? If The Lord had a name, what would you call Him? And if you were faced with a decision of life or death would your one question be, “Are you serious?”

Or perhaps, you’d be like the two Irish bishops who’ve been put on notice – dead silent.

Auxiliary bishop of Dublin Eamonn Walsh and Archbishop Eamon Martin.

In his latest post “Amen Calling”, Tony Farrell features two letters written by Christ to Primate of all Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin and auxiliary bishop of Dublin Eamonn Walsh. They were both told that they cannot serve both Christ and the pope.

“I can tell you that absolutely NOT ONE roman catholic will survive The Reaping, but every one of you will be bound and cast into The Fire,” He wrote.

These personal letters to the bishops are follow-up messages to Farrell’s prior communications with them.

They were also told:

The pope will go down with Satan, The Destroyer:

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of the Destroyer;
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (the Holy Father).

Maybe it made for a good rhyme, but one verse in Osborn’s song is erroneous:

“Nobody calling on the phone,
except for the pope maybe in Rome.”

The pope in Rome doesn’t call God, because he’s too busy calling himself the Holy Father, and wallowing in the worldly treasures Satan’s given him.

With the Whore of Babylon being identified as the Roman Catholic Church, it might be wise to take Christ seriously:

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT of her, MY people, that ye take not part in her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues (punishment).

The bishops have a choice, as clearly written in the letters to them. Who are they going to call – or contact? Will they ask, “Will You teach me, oh Lord?”

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Tony Farrell Educates Irish Clergy about the Hill of Tara

7 Jul

In his latest letters to the church, Farrell invites Irish clergy to the Hill of Tara so that they can fully comprehend Ireland’s Biblical destiny.

Perhaps when Archbishop Thaddeus Okolo ended his prayer with “we look forward to the Second Coming of Christ”, he didn’t realize he opened the door to receive good news. In exchange for a wafer, Farrell offered him a Joseph’s Booklet explaining that very topic.

Farrell followed up the encounter with a written invitation to a guided tour of the Hill of Tara (Torah), warning him that the pope in Rome should be informed of the communication, as the Irish Bishops’ Conference members were being kept in the loop.

The letter to Okolo was preceded by a few others, as Farrell wrote both church and state.

In April, Farrell scorns Josepha Madigan, the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, about her comment on women making good priests, with “Either through ignorance or possibly arrogance, your public messages on this remain diametrically opposed to Christ’s very own teachings on the matter. In truth, rather than concern yourself with Rome’s Churchianity, so demonstrably on show at Mount Merrion, you should instead embrace Ireland’s True Destiny.”

Madigan received five simple questions to consider, specifically addressing the government’s role in covering the Biblical significance of the Hill of Tara.

In March, Farrell attended the Dublin Church Council’s ecumenical celebration service offering them the good news. And in a follow-up letter, Farrell warns, “The ongoing deceit of both church and state knows no bounds and the great deception must be brought to an end with immediate effect.”

His letters are publicly featured on SleuthER’s Progress – Ireland.

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Emerald Isle Awaits Its Destiny

17 Mar

Happy Patriarch’s Day.

Tony Farrell has updated the Sleuther’s Progress on Ireland with a letter to bishop Michael Smith, inviting him to explore Ireland’s true ancient Biblical heritage.


Tony Farrell: Martin SleuthER’s Ireland Progress Report

6 Mar

At their spring conference, Irish Catholic bishops have more to discuss than usual business, because Martin SleuthER just sent 27 bishops, and the pope, a personal message.

“I am here to warn you that the state of willful blindness needs to change, and must be overhauled quickly, not just for your own soul’s sake, but also for the sake of all the Irish people, many of whom have been brought up as Catholics, under your collective false religious indoctrination,” he wrote.

But that’s not all, they were put on notice, and each was given a personal note.

SleuthER’s letter to them can be read at SleuthER’s Progress Report Ireland,

As developments arise, this report will be updated.

Bishops meet quarterly; and their Spring session is currently being held at the Columba Centre in Maynooth, Kildare, March 5-7, 2018. The purpose of the conference is to allow them to exchange views, and share their beliefs and experience in order to promote the common good of the Church in Ireland. Much of the work of the conference is done in committees that cover issues such as laity, liturgy, family, and social justice.

Martin SleuthER (Tony Farrell) gave them another issue to cover – Christ’s Second Coming. No doubt that issue should take precedence over their present agenda. They claim to discuss “issues of mutual concern, or issues of national policy.”

In a message to church followers on Feb. 13, Francis urged church members to “Take up the Lenten journey with enthusiasm, sustained by almsgiving, fasting and prayer.”

Farrell urges the bishops and the pope to take The Lord seriously.

Read Farrell’s letters and share them with others.

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95 Theses Nailed to Door of Westminster Abbey Christmas Day 2017

31 Dec

Martin Luther may have started The Protestant Reformation, when he nailed his 95 Theses on the door of All Saints’ Church in 1517; but what will Martin Sleuther start by the posting of his 95 Theses on the door of Westminster Abbey, Christmas Day 2017?

In the early hours of Christmas Morning, on the 67th anniversary of the taking of The Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey by four Scottish Nationalists, the 95 Theses condemning the Head of the Church of England were symbolically nailed to the door of Westminster Abbey, to publicly denounce Elizabeth 2’s evil, corruption of the Teaching of Christ, and fraudulent coronation and reign.

In this modern-day disputation, an argument to uncover and establish truths in theology, “Martin Sleuth-ER” ridicules and exposes abuses, indulgences, and treasonous acts of the Head of the Church of England.

The Stone of Destiny, also known as Jacob’s Pillar Stone, The Coronation Stone, The British Throne, The Throne of David, has NEVER been returned and Elizabeth KNOWS IT.

The British and the Scots pretend the one sitting in Edinburgh Castle is authentic, despite the overwhelming evidence that it’s a fake.

The Stone of Destiny, The British Throne was taken to prevent Elizabeth from being crowned on it, just as prophesied in Ezekiel 21:25-27. The Sceptre is set to pass from Judah to Joseph, when Shiloh comes to gather His people (Genesis 49:10). Elizabeth descends from David, the line of Judah; but the Sceptre will depart from her.

The taking of The Stone of Destiny (The Throne of David – The British-Israel Throne) on Christmas Day, 1950, was the SIGN that the final overturn had begun, as prophesied in Ezekiel.

The SIGN was ignored, so the British peoples became enslaved by a fraudulent queen. Since the British people continue to oppose Christ’s teachings, they are thus challenged to read and debate the 95 Theses compiled by Martin Sleuther.

The document can be accessed on-oline at “Sleuthers 95 Theses” on

Referred Scripture from the King of kings’ Bible:

Ezekiel 21:25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when inequity [shall have] an end,
Ezekiel 21:26 Thus saith the Lord “I AM”; Remove the diadem (sovereignty), and take off the crown: this [shall] not [be] the same: exalt [him that is] low (Line of Zarah), and abase [him that is] high (Line of Pharez).
Ezekiel 21:27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no [more], [overturned] UNTIL he come whose Right it is; and I will give it [him – Shiloh.

Genesis 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah [to Joseph], nor a law-giver from between his feet, UNTIL Shiloh comes [from Joseph-Ephraim v 22-24]; and unto him [shall] the gathering of the people [be].

{From submitted press release}

You may also be interested in Tony Farrell’s “Reconciling Santa” in which he looks at Elizabeth 2 and one of her Christmas messages.

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Tony Farrell’s Gideon Story with the South Yorkshire Police

28 Sep

While many of my engagements with South Yorkshire Police, both on duty and off, are well-documented elsewhere, seldom have I, until now, given any testimony of my time formerly spent working for The Gideons in Barnsley. However one over-arching memory of that time, somehow seems appropriate to share now, seven years on, as it connects symbolically with the following: the subject of South Yorkshire Police; the role of The Gideons; and the difference between mortality and life – Tony Farrell (Trumpets, Torches and Jars).”

Farrell shares his own Gideon experience with the Chief Constable Stephen Watson of South Yorkshire Police in an open letter on

He does so in light of the recent celebration of the South Yorkshire Christian Police Association partnership with Gideon International. Farrell hopes that the Bibles given to officers at the event will not sit on shelves collecting dust; but rather that they start putting God’s Law into effect post haste.

Gideon blew the trumpets as commanded by God. Farrell’s been blowing his shofar to not only bring the walls of corruption down, but also to encourage everyone to do as God commands.

Please read Farrell’s Open Letter “Trumpets, Torches and Jars” and share with others.

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From the JAH News Front –

3 Aug

Several friends of JAH/Muad’Dib have released videos and webpages that are informative. If you haven’t watched or read them, here is a list.


“Jews” vs IsraELITES: Bible Codes Revealed – 2 Witnesses & 4 Horsemen Explained

An explanation of the Two Witnesses and a review of lessons of Jesus’ teachings.

Who is Sam Gold?

A good analysis of Satan in your head and how to defeat him using scenes from Revolver.


Donald Trump and the Fake Stone’s Return:

Real or Fake News about The Stone Featuring Donald Trump:


Tony Farrell has several new posts concerning a review of the Hillsborough Disaster and its implications in fighting for Truth and Justice. In his latest three posts, he asks key individuals pertinent questions that everyone should reflect upon.

What is Truth?

Questions for Professor Phil Scraton.

The Black Advocate

Questions for Marcia Willis Stewart.

Taking the Michael

Questions for Michael Mansfield.


The Protocols of Zion are a “Forgery” of What Exactly?

Please share with others.

Tony Farrell: Reflections on the Hillsborough Disaster

28 Apr

In his latest article, “The Parable of The Unjust Judge and The Persistent Widow”, Tony Farrell offers spiritual insight into the Hillsborough Disaster, comparing the Liverpool Hillsborough widows to the Biblical one in the Gospel of Luke. This comparison was inspired by James Jones, former Bishop of Liverpool and Hillsborough Independent Panel member.
Farrell describes James Jones and Professor Phil Scraton as honorable justice activists, while outlining modern-day adversaries of justice, who have treated not only the widows of Hillsborough unfairly but also all survivors and victims’ families.

This injustice continues, and demonstrates how today’s events parallel times of old; and this clearly shows how The Bible and its Teachings are as relevant today as in the past. It’s timeless.

His article also features Muad’Dib/JAH’s latest film, “The Hillsborough Ripple Effect”, and correspondence with Scraton and Jones.

It’s available at Please read it and share it with others.