King Christ has summonsed Charles The Pretender

15 Dec

On 12 December 2022, Charles Philip Arthur George Battenberg/Windsor, born 14 November 1948, was summonsed by The King of kings to appear before Him in Gibraltar – in an official decree SENT to Charles, and shared by Christ on Gibraltar Messenger.

The request was first given to Elizabeth, but is now extended to Charles with this formal decree.

The original request to Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg was presented in August 2022, in a proposal outlined by Christ’s disciple Tony Farrell in Beyond The Honour’s List; and the subsequent calls for her to kneel and for Gibraltar to submit, as recorded on the Gibraltar Messenger’s Crown Prince Michael in Gibraltar.

Charles, whom Elizabeth and other hidden hands groomed for his role, has now stepped in to follow her track (record) of fraud, sedition/treason and insurrection against The Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and Earth.

And so far, all those who believe they are beneath this profane wicked prince have pledged allegiance to him and Lucifer’s evil plan to create a satanic one-world government. With trillions in stolen funds at their disposal to marshal their new world order in through their sickly green plan, they’re now riding roughshod over us. We’re literally bankrolling our own destruction. This is exactly how the Banksters and the false prophet at the Vatican operate. And their clever, so-called smart money is a ruse to control even our most basic human behaviours, in an attempt to brand us with the mark of the beast, where we sell our souls in order to further our pathetic human existence for a few moments longer, guaranteeing ourselves a place in Hell-fire come Judgement Day.

EXCEPT there’s one huge problem with the British nation accepting Charles as their king –

Charles is NOT GOD’S choice, and neither was his mother.

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