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What if God Was One of Us? Amen Calling.

15 Jul

In the 1995 song “One of Us”, Joan Osborn sang:

If God had a name, what would it be?
And would you call it to His face?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?

Could you come up with one question? Could you bring yourself to ask? If The Lord had a name, what would you call Him? And if you were faced with a decision of life or death would your one question be, “Are you serious?”

Or perhaps, you’d be like the two Irish bishops who’ve been put on notice – dead silent.

Auxiliary bishop of Dublin Eamonn Walsh and Archbishop Eamon Martin.

In his latest post “Amen Calling”, Tony Farrell features two letters written by Christ to Primate of all Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin and auxiliary bishop of Dublin Eamonn Walsh. They were both told that they cannot serve both Christ and the pope.

“I can tell you that absolutely NOT ONE roman catholic will survive The Reaping, but every one of you will be bound and cast into The Fire,” He wrote.

These personal letters to the bishops are follow-up messages to Farrell’s prior communications with them.

They were also told:

The pope will go down with Satan, The Destroyer:

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of the Destroyer;
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (the Holy Father).

Maybe it made for a good rhyme, but one verse in Osborn’s song is erroneous:

“Nobody calling on the phone,
except for the pope maybe in Rome.”

The pope in Rome doesn’t call God, because he’s too busy calling himself the Holy Father, and wallowing in the worldly treasures Satan’s given him.

With the Whore of Babylon being identified as the Roman Catholic Church, it might be wise to take Christ seriously:

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT of her, MY people, that ye take not part in her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues (punishment).

The bishops have a choice, as clearly written in the letters to them. Who are they going to call – or contact? Will they ask, “Will You teach me, oh Lord?”

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Tony Farrell Educates Irish Clergy about the Hill of Tara

7 Jul

In his latest letters to the church, Farrell invites Irish clergy to the Hill of Tara so that they can fully comprehend Ireland’s Biblical destiny.

Perhaps when Archbishop Thaddeus Okolo ended his prayer with “we look forward to the Second Coming of Christ”, he didn’t realize he opened the door to receive good news. In exchange for a wafer, Farrell offered him a Joseph’s Booklet explaining that very topic.

Farrell followed up the encounter with a written invitation to a guided tour of the Hill of Tara (Torah), warning him that the pope in Rome should be informed of the communication, as the Irish Bishops’ Conference members were being kept in the loop.

The letter to Okolo was preceded by a few others, as Farrell wrote both church and state.

In April, Farrell scorns Josepha Madigan, the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, about her comment on women making good priests, with “Either through ignorance or possibly arrogance, your public messages on this remain diametrically opposed to Christ’s very own teachings on the matter. In truth, rather than concern yourself with Rome’s Churchianity, so demonstrably on show at Mount Merrion, you should instead embrace Ireland’s True Destiny.”

Madigan received five simple questions to consider, specifically addressing the government’s role in covering the Biblical significance of the Hill of Tara.

In March, Farrell attended the Dublin Church Council’s ecumenical celebration service offering them the good news. And in a follow-up letter, Farrell warns, “The ongoing deceit of both church and state knows no bounds and the great deception must be brought to an end with immediate effect.”

His letters are publicly featured on SleuthER’s Progress – Ireland.

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An Unforgettable Summer Solstice at the Hill of Tara

24 Jun

The 2018 Summer Solstice has now come and gone, but it will never be forgotten.

The Ark of The Covenant Replica at the Hill of Tara, Ireland on Summer Solstice 2018.

Those who were fortunate enough to have visited the Hill of Tara that day were treated to one of the most amazing displays ever: a gold-coloured, full-size replica of The Ark of The Covenant. There were shofar horns on the Hill being blown. Some people were singing. And others gathered around to hear the legend of how a Jewish princess and the Bible prophet Jeremiah brought the real Ark of The Covenant and the real Lia Fail Stone from Jerusalem to this ancient, mystical capital of Ireland over 26 centuries ago.

Inside the replica Ark, there were replicas of the two stone tablets given to Moses with The Commandments on them, along with the first five books of the Bible in scroll form (and in Hebrew no less). It was all very detailed and truthfully quite moving. In fact, it was so compelling that it prompted a bit of research into this subject.

Would anyone have ever guessed there are at least five ancient Irish historical records that validate the story of how The Ark of The Covenant and the Lia Fail-Stone of Destiny were brought to Ireland by Princess Teia Tephi and Jeremiah the prophet? And one of those historical documents is an actual autobiography from the princess herself who, according to the legend, is also buried underneath the Mound of The Hostages with The Ark of The Covenant in a secret, underground tomb! Who knew?

Perhaps the most awe-inspiring part of this story is that the location of the entrance to this underground chamber is reportedly known down to a 2 metre x 2 metre patch of flat rough grass there on the Hill of Tara. A patch of grass that could easily be excavated, without disturbing the surrounding area.

Just think about that prospect for a moment! Recovering the real Ark of The Covenant would be the greatest historical discovery of all-time, and would assuredly draw thousands of people from all over the world to Ireland to see it. A win-win for Irish businesses and for everyone who has a genuine interest in our rich history, whether scientific or spiritual in nature.

We should start digging today! Why wait? What have we got to lose?

For those of you reading this who feel the same way and would similarly like to bring good fortune to Ireland and to the rest of the world, please contact TD Josepha Madigan, the current Irish Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Let her know how you feel about this simply amazing opportunity.

We cannot let government bureaucracies and red-tape keep this from happening any longer.

Éirinn go Brách!

For more information, please see

From a submitted press release.

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Emerald Isle Awaits Its Destiny

17 Mar

Happy Patriarch’s Day.

Tony Farrell has updated the Sleuther’s Progress on Ireland with a letter to bishop Michael Smith, inviting him to explore Ireland’s true ancient Biblical heritage.


Tony Farrell: Martin SleuthER’s Ireland Progress Report

6 Mar

At their spring conference, Irish Catholic bishops have more to discuss than usual business, because Martin SleuthER just sent 27 bishops, and the pope, a personal message.

“I am here to warn you that the state of willful blindness needs to change, and must be overhauled quickly, not just for your own soul’s sake, but also for the sake of all the Irish people, many of whom have been brought up as Catholics, under your collective false religious indoctrination,” he wrote.

But that’s not all, they were put on notice, and each was given a personal note.

SleuthER’s letter to them can be read at SleuthER’s Progress Report Ireland,

As developments arise, this report will be updated.

Bishops meet quarterly; and their Spring session is currently being held at the Columba Centre in Maynooth, Kildare, March 5-7, 2018. The purpose of the conference is to allow them to exchange views, and share their beliefs and experience in order to promote the common good of the Church in Ireland. Much of the work of the conference is done in committees that cover issues such as laity, liturgy, family, and social justice.

Martin SleuthER (Tony Farrell) gave them another issue to cover – Christ’s Second Coming. No doubt that issue should take precedence over their present agenda. They claim to discuss “issues of mutual concern, or issues of national policy.”

In a message to church followers on Feb. 13, Francis urged church members to “Take up the Lenten journey with enthusiasm, sustained by almsgiving, fasting and prayer.”

Farrell urges the bishops and the pope to take The Lord seriously.

Read Farrell’s letters and share them with others.

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Prophecies of Columba, and Book of Kells, from Ireland

9 Aug

BookofKellsColumba, also known as Columcille, was an Irish prophet who Nostradamus studied. Like Nostradamus and all other prophets, Columcille was rejected by the established clergy and driven out of Kells. This is when he went to the Island of Iona where he founded a monastery. Like Moses, Columba turned his back upon wealth, rank and power, and gave himself to God. Before he was known as Columba, Columcille was born a prince, named Crimthann; the nephew of two Celtic high kings, Fergus of Scotland and Muircheartach of Ireland. Columba’s dad, Feidlimid, was chieftain of the territory of Tir-Conaill. His mother was of royal ancestry in Leinster, and was daughter of a Munster chief, of the line of Cathair Mor. As closely as he was able, Columba followed the true teaching of Christ, that was taught by the Culdees, Jesus’ own Disciples, who fled to the isles with Joseph of Arimathaea and his niece Mary, Jesus’ human mom, in order to establish a Christian community and escape Roman pagan persecution for following “The Way”. Jesus had commanded His disciples to go to the lost sheep (tribes) of the House of Israel, some of which were in the “Isles afar off”, especially the tribes of Ephraim and Dan.

Columba moved to Kells probably to be near the grave-mound, stone cairn of the great Ith Cian, king of Spain, hoping to be inspired by someone he admired. He probably used the stones from the cairn to build his house, oratory, entirely made of stone. Ith Cian was the Israelite king who had adopted Hebrew queen Teia Tephi, queen of Israel, in her travels from Jerusalem to Ireland with Jeremiah. She married the Irish high king and later became known as Britannia, where they ruled the island under God’s Law. The accounts of her life are in her autobiography, the Book of Tephi. She was also of interest to Columba. Ith Cian was killed in Ireland when trying to return back to Spain to gather his men to help fight alongside Tephi and king Eochaidh. He was buried in Kells, which is named after him, as Kells is Cian aneas Mor, which means “Great Cian from the South”.

Columba wrote in his prophecy entitled, “SENANUS (ra chan – riot)
Impart to me (Columba), O Senanus (Cian aneas Mor),
Information concerning the latter ages of the world;
What shall be the condition of the race of people,
Who will not observe rectitude in their judgments.

The King (Christ) son of Saxon will come
To join them across the sea;
He will part with the sovereignty
Of the Gall in the country whence he will come.
The Galls and the Gaels of Ireland,
Will unite in one confederation;
Against the forces of the Saxons,
Their confederacy cannot be dissolved.
The King (Christ) son of Saxon (Isaac’s sons) will come
At the head of his forces;
In consequence of the protection he will extend to them,
Ireland shall be freed from her fears.
One monarch (Christ) will rule in Ireland,
Over the Galls and the pure Gaels;
From the reign of that Man,
The people shall suffer no destitution.

Describing today’s world, Columba also prophesied:
The time will come when many will regret the days they have lived to see.
Men of literature will be neglected.
Falsehood and deceit will prevail.
Chapels and shrines will be plundered.
Sacred things will become the prey of thieves.
Learning will be oppressed and hence they will be brought low.
The powerful will oppress the poor with false laws and perverted judgement, and the aged and infirm will regret the time they have lived to see.
Strife and war will rage in every family.
Good neighbourhood will disappear and many will be treated with disrespect.
The trees shall not bear fruit.
There will be cold and hunger, malice, hatred and bad weather, and only the leaves on the trees will show the difference between summer and winter.
Men and women will fly in the air without wings, and will travel from one country to another under the ground (i.e. Channel Tunnel).
Pounds will be filled with cattle and jails with men.
Milk over the country will be churned in one churn.
Diseases will abound and remedies will fail.
Every race of mankind will become more wicked and all classes will be addicted to robbery.
Such is the description of people who will live in the ages to come.
Maidens will be unblushing and marriages without witnesses.

Columba was a well-spoken and charismatic leader, and the most famous Irish monk. He was regarded as a visionary, capable of astonishing predictions. He was a warm-hearted authoritarian figure who was kind, and who hated injustice. Of course, his high character and adherence to the correct teachings of Jesus eventually made him a target of the Roman church, which convinced the Irish to censure him. That’s when he left for the Island of Iona. But this was probably God’s Plan, as both Columcille and Iona (Jonah) mean “Dove”. And it was on Iona that his uncle Fergus, king of Scotland, had built a church and placed therein the Stone of Destiny, Jacob’s Pillar Stone. Fergus was involved in the second overturn of the stone (Ezekiel 21:26-27), taking the stone, or Throne of David, from Tara, Ireland, to Scotland so that he could be crowned and recognized as king there. Fergus wasn’t able to be king in Ireland, as it was his brother’s right, thus he went to Scotland.

In Iona, Columba became the custodian of the Stone of Destiny, the true Lia Fail; and where he started the Book of Kells, a book of the Gospel of Christ. He kept it to only the first four Gospels, as the church was already corrupting Christ’s message. And Columba slept with his head on the Stone of Destiny just as Jacob had done, and like Jacob received visions that were divinely inspired. This famous book was once stolen in 1007 A.D., but soon found, missing its gold cover and some of the pages of the Gospel of John. In 1654, the Governor of Kells sent it to Dublin for safety from Oliver Cromwell’s cavalry; and it was presented to Trinity College Dublin in 1661, where it’s been ever since. It’s 678 leather pages, and all but two are illustrated using natural dyes that have not faded in over 1000 years. Kells maintains only a replica of the book, much to the town’s folk’s dismay.

The pages missing describe Peter’s denial of Christ with more accuracy than the church’s authorized version. The Romans say that Peter founded the Catholic church and was its first pope. That’s interesting because Peter never went to Rome; however the sorcerer, Simon Pater (spelled with an “a”), did. Illusions. Illusions. Pater is mentioned in the Book of Acts. This is probably why Christ told Simon Peter not to go to Rome. It was Simon Pater who incorporated the teachings of Babylon into the Gospel and corrupted the teachings, by forming a well-organized religion of priests worshipping on Sunday, honoring their sun-gods and sun festivals of Winter’s Yuletide and Spring’s Ishtar, a goddess of sex and fertility, known today as Easter.

Columba prophesied of the church’s greed:
Senanus (Cian aneas – Kells)-
The clergy of the holy church,
Will be addicted to pride and injustice;
The advantages they will aim at,
Shall be the possession of worldly substance.

Between the 5th and 12th centuries, the church became very wealthy; and Kells became known as the “Splendour of Ireland”. It’s important to note that although Columba was a monk, he was not a priest. Back then, learning in the monastic schools was based on the Scriptures, and not on church doctrine and rituals. Columba had been ordained as a minister of the Celtic Christian church, whilst he was in Ireland. And on Iona he became a Culdee, not a priest. Culdee (Cul Di/ Culdich) means “Servant of the Lord” or “Certain Strangers” (the strangers were the true disciples who fled to the isles). They followed Jesus’ command “to not become priests” (Matthew 23:8). Priests like to live lavishly, but the Culdee monks value prayer, study and labor work (wax on, wax off).

Because the Roman church knew the Culdees by reputation, they also knew these servants had a secret book written by Apostle John, which was probably in the Book of Kells or John’s 3rd Book of Revelation. Was this why those pages of the Gospel of John went missing in the Book of Kells? Was the theft an “inside job” because they were trying to protect the pagan Roman church? What’s missing has been put back into the King of kings’ Bible. In fact, the removed books and scriptures (some of which are very incriminating against the church) have been put back into the King of kings’ Bible. Jesus purposely interrogated Peter back then to prove a point today. The hidden scriptures and the point Jesus wanted to make are described in more detail on JAH’s Columba of Iona and Book of Kells pages, sourced below.

Columba of Iona and Book of Kells
King of kings’ Bible

Irish Queen “Britannia” Brings Hope For Ireland

20 Jun

Irish Queen Tephi BritanniaThe life of TEIA TEPHI would make a legendary-epic movie, but no one touches her. Why she is forgotten, obscured, and hidden goes beyond belief, but Teia Tephi is Britannia. Teia is Ireland’s link to Jerusalem’s royalty, because she was the tender twig from the High Cedar that Jeremiah planted in Inis Fail, the Isle of Destiny. In the Britannia emblem, Teia is featured with five symbols, clearly identifying her. As she was the only daughter of king Zedekiah to survive Nebuchadnezzar’s destruction of both Jerusalem and Egypt, Teia holds an olive sprig, representing her lineage from Jacob-Israel and the House of Judah-Pharez. Lying next to her is the amber lion couchant, also representing Judah-Pharez. Teia holds Neptune’s trident spear given to her in Gibraltar when she was enroute to Ireland. She wears a helmet, because she was a warrior-queen for God and His Laws. Lastly, a shield leans on her side, featuring God’s flag, the Aleph x and Tau +, the Alpha and Omega. This is the Union of Jackob flag, which also belongs to Christ. Yes, it’s the British flag, but its origin is ancient, as in Hebrew “British” means “People of the Covenant” – Israel.

Teia’s life was one of adventure, sorrow, heroism, love, war and writing. In her travels; she was adopted by a Pharaoh and two Israelite kings, and recognized as queen of Gibraltar, all before landing in Ireland and marrying the High-king. And while she was a warrior-queen, fighting to uphold the Laws of God, Teia also became a mother of three boys and a girl. Her first big sorrow was the destruction of her home, Jerusalem. God said He would destroy it for its backsliding and He did. Many mourned and wailed over its fall. Her last greatest sorrow was the loss of her first child, who died at a young age, and who became her lament. In Old-English prose, she essentially wrote an autobiography, which included prophecies. Teia was also someone of interest to Nostradamus who studied ancient Irish history; and he made predictions about the discovery of her tomb in the end times.

Teia’s adventure started with Jeremiah, who took her as well as The Ark of The Covenant and Jacob’s Pillar Stone away from Jerusalem’s destruction, as Divinely instructed. He was to protect all of them. Teia’s brothers met a horrible fate of being killed in front of their dad, king Zedekiah, who was blinded after he witnessed the horror, making it the last thing he saw, for his treason against God. Teia, her two sisters, their handmaidens, and Baruch, Jeremiah’s secretary, all left with him for safety in Egypt. Pharaoh Hophra adopted Zedekiah’s daughters and gave them a palace. And although it’s in ruin, there is a place named “Quasr Bint el Jehudi” that means “palace of the daughter of Judah”. God again warned Jeremiah to leave Egypt because it would soon experience His wrath, at the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, for its wickedness and alliance with Zedekiah against him. Teia’s sisters decided they wanted to stay in the comforts of their palace, but were soon killed. Teia would trust Jeremiah and leave with him, her handmaidens, Baruch and a boat crew. Of course, they took The Stone and The Ark, which contains the original Torah given to Moses by Father and the Ten Commandment tablets. And while they left Tanis, Egypt, this is where Indiana Jones in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” started looking for the treasure.

They sailed to Gibraltar, the “Gate” and Biblical “Rock of Defense”. They hid The Ark in Saint Michael’s cave, where Moses had received instruction by Archangel Michael when he was there, as Gabriel told Mohammad in the Koran, Chapter 18, “The Cave”. Gibraltar was the home of the lost tribe of Gad, who unfortunately were lured into idol-worship again, with their false god Neptune. It was Teia who reprimanded them and helped them turn back to The Way of God. This is why the Gadites gave her Neptune’s spear from his statue-idol. They stayed in Gibraltar five months. And during that time, they discovered and spoiled a plot to kill them and steal the treasures, planned by the crew of the Tyrian ship that helped them get there. That crew left, to its fate of sinking at sea, which Baruch saw in a vision, to let him and the others know that no one in Egypt would know where The Ark had gone. It was Baruch who rewrote Jeremiah’s Roll, also known as the Book of Baruch, which was a part of Holy Scripture until they figured out it was a description of the Vatican and its pagan idol-worship, and had it removed. Baruch, who was around 80, spent his last days in Gibraltar and is buried there.

The rest left Gibraltar in a Greek ship that had been captured by their allies. Simon, the son of Gibraltar’s Israelite ruler Elier, helped sail them across the Bay of Algeciras and through the Straits to Breogan in Spain, where he introduced them to Ith Cian, the Israelite ruler who also adopted Teia Tephi. He would tell her of his lost son, Lughaidh, who had sailed-off several years before, with his five ships and was presumed dead. After sailing from Breogan, they headed for Ireland, but a violent storm set them off-course and broke the ship’s oars and rudder. The wind divinely led their boat and guided it right into a bay, now known as Mara-Zion, near St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, England. This is where they met Elatha, the Israelite ruler of Cornwall, who happened to be the kinsman of Ith Cian of Breogan whom they just left, and an ally of Elier bar Ziza of the Gate-Gibraltar. Elatha, who incidentally knew he was an Israelite and descended from Abraham, repaired their boat and sent word to the kings of Ireland requesting safe passage for the queen of Jerusalem. With Teia’s visit, Elatha learned of the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple and wept bitterly in sorrow. This is why the bay is called Mara-Zion, which means “Bitter for Jerusalem” in Hebrew.

The Irish kings were elated that the queen of Jerusalem sought home in their land. They sent gold, silver, gifts, and messages from those who sought her hand in marriage. After receiving their positive answer and invitation, Elatha sent his son, Bressail, with 53 ships and over two thousand men to escort her. Teia landed with the crew in Howth, Ireland, where she was greeted and carried ashore by Eochaidh, the High-king, and Ethan, his harper, who both instantly fell in love with this tender twig. Teia only knew the identity of the harper and didn’t know that the other person carrying her was actually Eochaidh, because he was urgently called away to rescue his sister. Interestingly, as a boy, Eochaidh was given a vision not to marry until his queen came from the East. When he heard of Teia, he knew who she was. From Howth, she was escorted to the Hill of Tara, to a house that was already prepared for her, called Rath Grainne, or Fort of the Seed. Teia saw an obscene pagan Baal pillar-stone of fertility on the land and wanted it removed, but the priests ignored her.

In order to decide whom she should marry, they opted to shoot for it. Their broadest man, Ethdan, would use Samson’s bow whilst lying in the center circle of the kings’ seat at Tara, known as Rath na ri, “the Fort of the king”. [They had Samson’s bow, because he was from the tribe of Dan, which had migrated to Ireland]. Whoever’s seat the arrow fell closest to would be her husband. Divinely-guided, the first arrow, gold-tipped, landed on Jacob’s Pillar Stone, indicating she was married to God and His Laws first; then, Ethdan shot the second arrow, silver-tipped, which landed nearest to an empty seat; then, he shot and the third, lead-tipped one, hitting the Baal phallic-stone and knocking the gilded horns off it, proving to them that Baal-worship was evil. While they were doing this, Teia looked around for the man who helped Ethan carry her ashore. It turns out the empty seat was Eochaidh’s, whom she was destined to marry. The Druid kings repented, took her side against the Baal priests, and removed the phallic stone, burying it, and placing the Stone of Destiny in its place on the Inauguration Mound, where Teia and Eochaidh were married over it and she was crowned queen of Ireland on it. [The Stone is the real Lia Fail, not the phallic stone, which was found and put back up in the 1800s.]

This marriage sealed the “breach” caused centuries earlier when the two-strand House of Judah was divided, when Judah’s twin sons Zarah and Pharez were born. Zarah of the Red-hand lost his birthright, went into exile, and migrated to Heberia-Spain – Zarahgoza, then to Hebernia-Ireland, meaning Hebrew’s new-land. Interestingly, some of their descendants migrated from Ireland to Scotland, choosing to use their own Zarah version of the Judahite emblem, the red lion rampant, just as Pharez used the amber/golden one. This sealed breach is represented on the Ulster flag. Eochaidh was from the Zarah branch and Teia Tephi was from the Pharez branch. The Ulster flag features the “red hand of Zarah” mounted on the “Star of David” with a single royal crown.

Eochaidh and Teia ruled Ireland under God’s Law and Ireland flourished with God’s Blessings. Evil would still plot against them and more war came. [This is a world of good and evil; everyone gets to decide out of free-will choice which side he is on]. Because they remained true to God’s Law, they remained undefeated, even though they were smaller in number. God sets His hand of protection on those doing so, and removes it from those who commit adultery against Him. [It’s a simple concept really, but century after century, man proves over and over again he aligns himself with evil, by letting the pretty little liars rule over him; and everyone is punished. Know the evil rulers by their fruits. And in the End Times, know them for who they really are: the Synagogue of Satan, the Great Liar and Opposer of God, who uses deceit to lure the masses into damnation. Entire nations currently have no hand of God protecting them, and lessons will be learned from this adultery, just like in Jerusalem].

While God remained their number one priority, Ireland flourished with good weather, abundant crops, and victories of war against those who sided with evil.  Teia would also end up meeting Lughaidh, the lost son of her adopted Spanish dad, Ith Cian. Lughaidh ended up in Ireland when he left Spain. He was now her brother by adoption and pledged alliance to fight for God with her. Ith Cian finally learned of Lughaidh’s whereabouts and went to Ireland to see him. Learning of the enemies’ approach, Ith Cian tried to return to Spain to gather his men for the fight, but was killed before he got there. He was killed by three Tyrians, whom he had once driven out of Spain. They actually stoned him to death and buried him with the stones. Later, Lughaidh avenged his dad’s death by killing the ones who murdered him and buried them under the same stones.  He reburied his dad on the highest hill in a place that became known as Cian aneus Mor, “Great Cian from the South”, or simply now Kells, Ireland.

The battle of good and evil continued. As those united under God, fought against the kingdom sects of Ireland, who opposed Torah Law, because it meant everyone was equal; and they’d have to redistribute the wealth they had stolen using the sneaky little ways they do. In their arrogance and greed, they refused to get off their high horses and act for the benefit of all. Under God’s Law, kings were never to add riches unto themselves (Deut. 17:16), so why do kings always do that, no matter what century we’re in? Laid up in her riches, Elizabeth II can’t hold a candle to Teia Tephi, the true Britannia. Yet, the Irish remain subject to QE2 and her worship of wood, “laws and treaties written on paper” through the BAR of which she is the head, instead of what’s been written in Stone on their own land. Unfortunately, no matter what century we are in, kings tend to be arrogant, greedy, and selfishness. They certainly haven’t been kind; and God loves those who are kind TO ALL.

One of Ireland’s greatest ancient battles would be with the powerful Bressail, who helped them get to Ireland in the first place. In his vanity, he united with many kings to overthrow God’s Kingdom. Teia sent word to his dad, Elatha of Cornwall, who had previously also adopted her. Elatha, then in turn, sent ships to help. Some main players were killed, as in war there is always death, but in the end God’s Kingdom won with far fewer casualties. Teia rode Eochaidh’s white horse to the enemy line with her trident spear and asked for their surrender. There was no way they could have won other than the fact that the Hand of God was upon them. It was a miracle. Bressail surrendered; and he would then go on to help clear the waters of pirate ships.

Because of this divine victory, and even before her death, people started making Teia into a goddess, Bovinda, to be exact. She was furious about this and set up the Teltown funeral games to be held on the anniversary of her death, so that people would remember she was human, not a goddess and keep God’s Law, that she had brought and which brought them peace and prosperity for a thousand years. These funeral games were referred to by Nostradamus in Quatrain 10,74, as the Hecatombe Games, which he predicted would be reinstated. He also predicted that the Lost Ark would be recovered with her bones at the Mound of the Hostages at Tara. Eochaidh didn’t escape pagan folklore either. He was deemed Daighda, the god in pain, all because he defended Teia from an attack of a soldier’s grieving wife. She came at Teia with a poisoned blade. In the struggle, it fell on Eochaidh’s foot, but he lived and limped with pain ever after.

All these details and much more are within the Book of Tephi as well as other historical documents. In her book, Teia prophesied that the last overturn of the Throne, to Christ, would happen on the 2,484th anniversary of her death, in 534 BC, which coincides perfectly with 1950 when four brave Scottish Nationalists removed the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey.

In today’s war of good versus evil, everyone picks his side. Does he fight for God’s Kingdom and justice for all; or does he fight for man’s will and riches for a few. Hint: God wins in the end. Knowing this, why would anyone remain on the losing side? No faith. It’s better to be true in faith, than reject it, for faith means trust in God.

Source and Inspiration:
The Story, in Brief, of Tephi, Queen of Ireland and Gibraltar
Book of Tephi
Historical and Biblical Truth About Ireland

Original Raider of the Lost Ark: Jeremiah

13 Jun

arkofthecovenant-jeremiah-stoneofdestinyIn “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, the search for the Ark started in Tanis, Egypt, because that’s where it was last known to have existed. Wrong. It was put into Prophet Jeremiah’s care to protect it from any destruction or harm from the Babylonians. It was Jeremiah who warned Jerusalem that Nebuchadnezzar would overcome and seize the city if they did not return to God’s Law. They ignored him, put him in jail and burned his writings. They said they’d do what they wanted, reveling in their traditions of sun and statue worship to Baal gods, especially their queen of heaven. Because of this, they were cursed, as God would not be mocked. He commanded that they be punished by their enemies for their backsliding; and the Guardian Angels made sure this happened, as they are absolutely obedient to His Will.

Nebuchadnezzar released Jeremiah, and while the fighting raged, he hid in a cave under the Holy Temple, with Teia Tephi, the king’s daughter, the Ark of the Covenant and Jacob’s Pillar Stone. No one was supposed to know where the Ark was being taken, because of its importance, as it contains the original Torah given to Moses by Father and the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. It is also covered and lined with gold and would have been stolen. Jeremiah took the Pillar Stone too, as it was the stone Jacob laid his head on and dreamed of the stairway to heaven. David kept it and it became known as the Throne of David. All kings who succeeded him were crowned on it.

Once it was safe enough, the crew headed to Tanis, Egypt, which included all three daughters of king Zedekiah along with their handmaids. The Egyptian Pharaoh adopted the daughters and gave them a palace and safe-haven. Although in ruin, today there is a palace named “Quasr bint el Jehudi”, which means the palace of the daughter of Judah. Later, God warned Jeremiah to leave Egypt as wrath was going to happen there too. Teia was the only daughter who wanted to leave with him. The other two decided to remain at the palace and were killed. Jeremiah, Baruch (his scribe), Teia, and two handmaidens left by boat and made it to Gibraltar, the Biblical Rock of Defense. Teia became the queen of Gibraltar and was given Neptune’s trident spear, which is featured with her as Britannia, along with the shield featuring God’s flag, Aleph and Tau, Alpha and Omega, the Union of Jack(ob) flag.

From Gibraltar, they headed toward the isles a far off, the British Isles, specifically Inis Fail, Ireland. They landed in Howth and were escorted inland to Tara in Royal County Meath. Teia married the high-king of Ireland and became queen, ruling under God’s Law where Ireland flourished with Blessings, until it was lured away by Church and State and now is under the Law’s Curses. Ireland is where Jeremiah spent his remaining days, after fulfilling God’s prophecies, taking the relics and tender twig (Teia) from the High Cedar (line of David from Judah/Pharez) to plant her there on the Isle of Destiny. Incidentally, the Jacob’s Pillar Stone is also known as the Stone of Destiny and the Coronation-stone. It’s been overturned three times and is awaiting the fourth and final overturn with the crowning of Christ as King (Ezekiel 21:26-27). It’s hidden and queen Elizabeth II was crowned on a fake, not that anyone cares except God, Christ and a few others. David’s Throne will be Christ’s Throne on Earth. Incidentally, David means “Well-Beloved” and sometimes refers to Christ and not king David.

Jeremiah is buried at Cairn T, Loughcrew, Ireland, in the Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla, his title in Ireland. After Jeremiah’s death, the title would later be passed to king Eochaidh, Teia’s husband, as he studied under Jeremiah. Sometimes, this tomb is referred to as Eochaidh’s, but several discrepancies exist on his actual burial site. The hieroglyphic stones in the tomb indicate it’s Jeremiah’s tomb, especially because the hieroglyphics explain his journey to Ireland (See source for detailed description of them). The hill on which Cairn T stands was named the “Hill of the Nurturer” – Jeremiah, but unfortunately as Ireland became more and more corrupt, “Caillech” which means “nurturer” was changed to “Caillighe” which means witch, thus paganism strikes again.

Some historians have argued that there is no evidence Jeremiah went to Ireland. However, Matthew Kelly, author of The Ecclesiastical History of Ireland and professor of Philosophy and Theology in the Irish College at Paris, explains with reason. He was a student of Irish antiquities, and ecclesiastical history, and he edited John Lynch’s ‘Cambrensis Eversus’, an historical record recognized by scholars in academic circles as being authoritative. He surmised from his translation, “… in Irish tradition, the Prophet, Jeremiah, is referred to as Ollam Fodhla”…“That the time of his existence had by the most learned and dispassionate scholars been admitted to have been brought as near to the period of Jeremiah, without mention of his name, as if they had aimed to produce such a result.”

The Ark of the Covenant is buried in Royal County Meath, at the Hill of Tara where Teia Tephi is buried at the Mound of the Hostages. It was hidden from the evil doers by God to fulfill His prophecies, and it’s protected by Him and the Guardian Angels. But the evil-doers would rather it not be recovered and some just don’t believe, period. Can you imagine if Ireland recovered the Ark of the Covenant? What would that mean? It certainly would shed some light on the Earth’s history. It might bring prosperity back to Ireland if they chose to take a leap of faith. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen soon, as most Irish still enjoy the misery of being plundered, maybe all the fluoride has made them too docile. Times are getting darker; and it may take the country getting pitch black before they’ll yield to Truth and their God-given heritage.

Nostradamus predicted when and who would recover it in several quatrains:

Quatrain 1,25:
The “lost” (Ark) is discovered, (after being) hidden for many centuries.
The Shepherd (Christ) will be honoured as being half God:
So that the moon (Tephi) completes her great cycle (of burial and recovery from her tomb on the Hill of Tara).
In other winds shall be dishonour.

Quatrain 1,32:
The great Empire will soon be overturned (Ezekiel 21:26-27),
In a small place (Tara), which soon will begin to grow (in fame):
A small place of tiny area (the Inauguration Mound at Tara),
In the middle of which he will come to place His Sceptre (Lia Fail – Stone of Scone).

Quatrain 1,43:
Before the coming of the change (overturn) of the Empire,
A very wonderful event will take place.
A field (2m. x 2m. of turf at Tara) moved, the Pillar of Porphyry (Lia Fail – Stone of Scone)
Put in place (on the Inauguration Mound at Tara); (the empire) changed on the gnarled rock (the Lia Fail – Stone of Destiny, as Christ is inaugurated King of Ireland, at Tara).

What is it going to take before people will get down on their knees in humility before Father? Why is everyone trying to “fix” the world without Him? The proud still refuse, thinking they know best. Some don’t believe Father is going to punish them severely, “Oh, He wouldn’t allow the annihilation of so many humans” one might think. To Father, everyone is a soul, who needs to learn, not a body. Bodies are only used to teach the soul lessons. The fact that many souls drop their body-vehicles in death, such as with war, doesn’t mean anything happened to their souls, whom Father has taken great care to teach. The soul reincarnates into another human-body, and moves on to whatever circumstances, good or bad, it sowed in previous lifetimes – karma. This means that loved ones aren’t in heaven watching over people as angels. Everyone has Guardian Angels who watch over them, yes, but these are the true angels who never were sentenced here like we, the fallen ones, were. Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and others have been in the skies since the beginning of Earth’s time; except now it’s running out, which means recovering the Ark of the Covenant actually does get closer.

It was put in Jeremiah’s care for a purpose; and he kept it close to him for safe-keeping. Some claim the Knights Templar have it, but this isn’t true, because they went looking for it in Ethiopia. It’s never been in Ethiopia, as Jeremiah didn’t go there. And it’s unlikely that now a one-man human priest guards it in an unsecure temple, as the Ethiopians believe. For one, because it’s lined and covered in pure gold, our “modern robbers” would have taken it. Maybe if Ethiopia would stop lying about it being located there, it would stop reaping some of its bad karma. God forbids lying, seventh heavenly commandment. The Ethiopians say the high priest is the only one who can touch it. Well, that’s true, but the High Priest is Christ. This makes Nostradamus prophecy even more clear, as Christ would understand not only his writings, but all other holy writings, thus being able to unseal the Book and Hidden Truths, as indicated in Revelation, Chapter 5. This makes the “Raiders” movie even more accurate about the wrath for humans who tried to steal it. God forbids stealing, ninth heavenly commandment.

The Stone of Destiny will sing from ocean to ocean once Christ sits on it. As mentioned, it has already been overturned three complete times, from Judah/Pharez in Jerusalem to Judah/Zarah in Ireland; from Tara to Scotland with Fergus the Great; and from Scotland to England with Edward Longshanks. It awaits completion of its final overturn, from England/House of Judah to England/House of Israel, through it being given to Christ the King of Israel by God as indicated in Ezekiel. Also, God did not allow Elizabeth II to be crowned on the true stone, as He divinely inspired it to be removed and replaced with a fake in 1950. This would mean Summer is near. Incidentally, sometimes “Stone” means Christ in the Bible.

Christ’s reign is called “Summer” or the seventh millennium. Knowing the parable of the fig tree (Matthew 21:19-21), we know it’s in this re-generation of souls. Christ did say He would see us AGAIN on His return. The fig tree represents the Jews in scripture; and they put forth new shoots in 1948, after years of not being able to grow because they had no land of their own, cursed for not accepting their Rightful King. It was this year that the evil UN deemed Palestine as Israel, although it will never bear fruit, because it is a fake Israel. True Israel is a people who live around the world; and Palestine was cunningly stolen using the UN one-world, peace-but-no-peace, bureaucrazy. Why would they choose to call it “Israel” and then say the Bible refers to a little man-made State, instead of the whole of the 12-Tribes of the People Israel? That’s pretty sneaky.

But the evil ones are sneaky. They lay up agents, aka experts, in all facets of the world’s dealings, to remain in control. Most of it is the worship of wood, “laws written on paper”. It’s not surprising they have well-educated archeologists who dare not oppose what’s already written on wood about what’s written in stone. Although it was built in the Iron-age, archeologists have deemed that the Mound of the Hostages at Tara is Stone-age, not built in the sixth century as Teamur, queen Teia Tephi’s Wailing-Wall. The Wall helps hide Teia’s tomb, even from them. Those who think the power of God couldn’t pull this off, but still part the Red Sea, put more faith in man’s knowledge than God’s plan. In 1950, Sean P. O’Riordhain uncovered the Walls that are under the soil-capping of the Mound of The Hostages. Those are Teamur, where Teia wailed over the fall of Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple in 588 B.C. In 1997, archaeologist Helen Roche found iron-slag at the side of the mound. Obviously, her work was HALTED. The reason for the iron “became” known as “an iron foundry was once located there”. But it is unlikely an iron foundry was put on a sacred site. Incidentally, the word Tara does not derive from Teamur, it derives from Torah, which became Taueragh, which eventually became Tara. In the Book of Tephi, she writes about her life in Old-English prose, giving insight of travels with Jeremiah, life in Ireland and prophecies.

Today, the Mound of the Hostages has undergone more archeological work. They cite that they needed to do reparatory work on it. For well over a year, their work seemed abandoned. The dirt they dug up was its own grassy knoll. If the work were only for repair, why wasn’t the job done and the site returned to its former beauty for visitors quickly? A fence remains around the Mound. It makes one think were they still trying to find the Ark of the Covenant themselves. Ask God if they will be allowed to obtain this most sacred relic. God will not be mocked and His timing will be dead on, no matter how sneaky the little devils get. Of course, if God saw the people wanting to return to His Law and doing so, He would provide the hand of protection that He’s withdrawn. Maybe the Irish need to think more about their roots, their Biblical heritage, and stop selling their birthright to Church and State, as they have all their other valuable resources. Ireland is self-sustainable, but not if they sell and export all their resources and fall prey to the wood vultures, who sit high and mighty over them.

Jeremiah’s Tomb, with hieroglyphic explanation
Ollamh Fodhla
Welcome to Sociology Event
Book of Tephi

NOSTRADAMUS: The Pope, The Queen, and Christ

23 Feb

Nostradamus prophesied that Christ would return at the end of the twentieth century and that the Roman papacy would be destroyed and that queen Elizabeth II would be dethroned. It’s kind of fitting that Christ would be the one to dethrone the pope and the queen, because both sit falsely in His place over God’s children.

Interestingly, Nostradamus studied the writings of 12th century Irish prophet Malachy, who prophesied the progression of popes, including the final pope of this generation. But there was another Irish prophet that Nostradamus studied named Columcille, who lived during the 6th century. And Columcille studied the writings about Teia Tephi. She was the daughter of king Zedekiah of Jerusalem who would later become the Irish Queen, now symbolized as Britannia. She fled Jerusalem with Bible prophet Jeremiah, who was warned of the city’s destruction, because her dad refused to return to God’s Law. They took two Holy Treasures with them, Jacob’s Pillar Stone and the Ark of the Covenant. Both would have significance on Christ’s return, thus both have been Divinely protected.

Teia Tephi became the Irish Queen through her marriage to king Eochaidh. They ruled under God’s Law and Ireland flourished with its Blessings [Today, Ireland is cursed for moving far away from God’s Law into the hands of the pope and queen, who mislead and rob them]. In Old English rhyme, Teia Tephi wrote of her life and of prophecies, including the return of Christ. Her burial tomb is at Tara, Ireland. She’s important in sharing interpretations of some of Nostradamus’ Quatrains.

But first, Nostradamus knew not everyone would understand his writings.

In Quatrain 6,100 (6= man, 100= percent of man take note), he wrote:
The “Song” of The Law against Unintelligent Critics.
Let those who read this verse consider it profoundly,
Let the common crowd and the unlearned leave it alone:
ALL of them – idiot Astrologers and Barbarians – KEEP OFF!
Let he (Cesar) who does otherwise be a priest for the rite.

This message relates to his “forward”:
To my son Cesar; he who will come at the end of the
twentieth century; My spiritual son. He will understand
what I have written and use the information wisely.

The Warnings of These Times:

When twenty years from the Moon’s reign have passed,
Another will take up his reign of the Seventh millennium:
When the Sun (Christ) takes up his remaining days,
Then My prophecy and warnings will be accomplished. (Quatrain 1,48)

Alas, how we will see a great people (American the Great) sorely troubled,
and The Holy Law (The Torah) in utter ruin (not in use):
All of Christianity (governed) by other laws (men’s laws),
when a new source of gold and silver is discovered (finance). (Quatrain 1,53)

Under the Opposer’s Babylonian (market) system,
there will be great shedding of blood.
Heaven will seem unjust to “earth”; “sea” and “heaven” (downtrodden people, restless people and political systems, respectively).
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion. (Quatrain 1, 55)

Alas! what a great loss there will be to learning (God’s Wisdom),
Before the cycle of the Moon (Teia Tephi) is completed:
Fire, great floods, by ever more IGNORANT rulers;
How long the centuries until it (God’s Wisdom) is seen to be restored. (Quatrain 1,62)

Sooner and later you will see silent great change,
dreadful horrors and vengeances.
For as the (Crescent) moon is thus led by its angel (Revelation 9:14)
The heavens draw near to The Balance (Judgement Day). (Quatrain 1, 56)

The moon (Teia Tephi) is obscured in deep darkness,
Her (spiritual) brother becomes ferrugine in colour.
The great one (Tephi) hidden for a long time in the shadows (her tomb at Tara)
Will hold the blade in the bloody wound (of time). (Quatrain 1,84)

The Roman Papacy Destroyed:

He (Christ) who will be charged with the destruction
of temples and sectes, all diverted by fantasy:
He will harm the Peterans rather than the Living,
Those ears filled with repetitious ornate speeches. (Quatrain 1,96)

Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner,
They will reject the Abyss foundations (warning),
Taking their own first and human laws,
Chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints. (Quatrain 2,8)

The Roman power will be thoroughly abased,
Its great (British) neighbour imitating its relics and clothes:
Hidden civil hatreds and debates (about who is right)
Will cause the buffoons to perpetuate their follies. (Quatrain 3,63)

The (Cause of the) Father and Son will be harmed by,
The prefecture (papacy) within his pavilion (The Vatican).
The mother of the Overturns (of the Throne – Ezekiel 21:26-27 – Queen Teia Tephi)
overturns (the Throne) by the Son (Christ) she will have in her swollen belly;
which is a grassy chest (at Tara) with little pieces of paper in it (inside The Ark of The Covenant). (Quatrain 8,75)

O vast Rome, thy ruin approaches,
Not of thy walls, but of thy blood and substance:
The one harsh in letters will make a very horrible notch,
Pointed steel driven into all up to the hilt. (Quatrain 10,65)

The present time together with the past will be judged
By the great Man of Jupiter (King of kings). Too late will
The world be. Tired of Him and disloyal
through the oath-taking clergy (priests). (Quatrain 10,73)

The great Senate will ordain the pomp,
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet his adherents there will be,
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled. (Quatrain 10,76)

For the merry virgin (Rev. 18:3) the bright splendour
Will shine no longer, a long time she will be without salt (Matt. 5:13):
With merchants, bullies, wolves (Rome) odious (Rev. 18:23),
All higgledy-piggledy the universal (Catholic) monster. (Quatrain 10,98)

Queen Dethroned:

When the great queen sees herself conquered (QE2),
She will show an excess of masculine courage.
On horseback, she will pass over the river completely naked (stripped of wealth and power),
Pursued by the sword: she will have outraged her (Anglican) faith (Quatrain 1,86)

The old monarch chased out of her realm
Will go to the East (Greece) asking for its help:
For fear of the crosses she will fold-up her banner:
To Mitylene (Greece, Prince Philip’s homeland) she will go through port and by land. (Quatrain 3,47)

For (her) not wishing to consent to the divorce (Diana’s),
Who then afterwards will be recognised as unworthy:
The Monarch of the Isles will be driven out by force,
Put in her place (as King) one who will have no sign of kingship (Christ at the fourth overturn of the Throne)(Quatrain 10,22)

Under the land of the round lunar globe,
When Mercury (Elijah) will be dominating:
The isle of Ireland will produce a Luminary,
One who will put the English into defeat. (Quatrain 5,93)

The river that tries the new Celtic heir
Will be in great discord with the Empire:
The young prince through the ecclesiastical people
Will remove the sceptre from the crown of the U.K. (Quatrain 6,3)

Christ’s Reign:

After the victory of the Lion (Christ) over the Lion (Judah – House of Windsor),
On the Mount of Inauguration a dry tomb;
Deluge and designs of the seventh millennium,
Lion, Ulm at the death Mausoleum and tomb. (Quatrain 8,34)

The “lost” (Ark) is discovered, (after being) hidden for many centuries.
The Shepherd (Christ) will be honoured as being half God:
So that the moon (Tephi) completes her great cycle (of burial and recovery from her tomb on the Hill of Tara),
In other winds shall be dishonour. (Quatrain 1,25)

The great Empire will soon be overturned (Q. 10,100),
In a small place (Tara), which soon will begin to grow (in fame):
A small place of tiny area (the Inauguration Mound at Tara),
In the middle of which he will come to place His Sceptre (Lia Fail – Stone of Destiny – Jacob’s Pillar). (Quatrain 1,32)

Ezekiel 21:26-27 Thus saith the Lord “I AM”; Remove the diadem (sovereignty), and take off the crown: this [shall] not [be] the same: exalt [him that is] low (Line of Zarah), and abase [him that is] high (Line of Pharez). I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no [more], [overturned] UNTIL he come whose Right it is; and I will give it [him – Shiloh (Gen. 49 v 10)].

Source and Inspiration:
The Prophecies of Nostradamus about Ireland
A Brief Summary of The Book of Tephi