Tag Archives: Freedom Talk Radio News Interviews JAH/Muad’Dib

Freedom Talk Radio News Interviews Muad’Dib/JAH

3 Apr

On March 5, 2015, Muad’Dib/JAH was featured on Freedom Talk Radio News, along with Kevin Annett, Canadian writer and former minister active in exposing atrocities of Church and State. The radio show begins with Annett, who spoke on the importance of common law; however, JAH explained that common law was the first deviation from God’s Law; further clarifying that Elizabeth 2 swore an oath to uphold God’s Law, not common law.

During the last segment of the show, Muad’Dib/JAH briefly discusses “7/7 Ripple Effect” and some circumstances surrounding it. He goes on to talk about the Holy Bible, prophecies, God’s Law and WW3.

To listen to the interview, please see this link:
Freedom Talk Radio News at blogtalkradio: Muad’Dib and Kevin Annett

{The original above may not work. Please try this link on Mixcloud:
https://www.mixcloud.com/TheFreedomTalkRadioNetwork/muaddib-kevin-annett-on-the-common-law-court-of-wales-show/ }

JAH mentions several topics in the interview:

“A Lamp In the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible” Documentary (Available on Youtube).

The King of kings’ Bible is available for online reading at JAHtruth.net/kofk-free/Bible/.

He Walked The Americas (The Story of Christ in the Americas)– available for purchase from its publisher.

The Way home or face The Fire, by JAH

JAHtruth.net – a website Encyclopedia of Truth, Prophecy, Scripture and more.