An Unforgettable Summer Solstice at the Hill of Tara

24 Jun

The 2018 Summer Solstice has now come and gone, but it will never be forgotten.

The Ark of The Covenant Replica at the Hill of Tara, Ireland on Summer Solstice 2018.

Those who were fortunate enough to have visited the Hill of Tara that day were treated to one of the most amazing displays ever: a gold-coloured, full-size replica of The Ark of The Covenant. There were shofar horns on the Hill being blown. Some people were singing. And others gathered around to hear the legend of how a Jewish princess and the Bible prophet Jeremiah brought the real Ark of The Covenant and the real Lia Fail Stone from Jerusalem to this ancient, mystical capital of Ireland over 26 centuries ago.

Inside the replica Ark, there were replicas of the two stone tablets given to Moses with The Commandments on them, along with the first five books of the Bible in scroll form (and in Hebrew no less). It was all very detailed and truthfully quite moving. In fact, it was so compelling that it prompted a bit of research into this subject.

Would anyone have ever guessed there are at least five ancient Irish historical records that validate the story of how The Ark of The Covenant and the Lia Fail-Stone of Destiny were brought to Ireland by Princess Teia Tephi and Jeremiah the prophet? And one of those historical documents is an actual autobiography from the princess herself who, according to the legend, is also buried underneath the Mound of The Hostages with The Ark of The Covenant in a secret, underground tomb! Who knew?

Perhaps the most awe-inspiring part of this story is that the location of the entrance to this underground chamber is reportedly known down to a 2 metre x 2 metre patch of flat rough grass there on the Hill of Tara. A patch of grass that could easily be excavated, without disturbing the surrounding area.

Just think about that prospect for a moment! Recovering the real Ark of The Covenant would be the greatest historical discovery of all-time, and would assuredly draw thousands of people from all over the world to Ireland to see it. A win-win for Irish businesses and for everyone who has a genuine interest in our rich history, whether scientific or spiritual in nature.

We should start digging today! Why wait? What have we got to lose?

For those of you reading this who feel the same way and would similarly like to bring good fortune to Ireland and to the rest of the world, please contact TD Josepha Madigan, the current Irish Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Let her know how you feel about this simply amazing opportunity.

We cannot let government bureaucracies and red-tape keep this from happening any longer.

Éirinn go Brách!

For more information, please see

From a submitted press release.

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