Scotland’s Life or Death Wrapped Up in IndyCamp?

1 Jan

looking-at-scotlandEdinburgh – The little case of IndyCamp contains big news being kept from the people. It not only recently exposed the corruption in the Scottish judicial system, but it also shed light on the only way for Scotland to truly gain its independence.

To save their nation, Scots are going to have to collectively make a life and death decision. The simplicity of this decision lies within first supporting two of their fellow Scots who are appellants in the recent IndyCamp eviction case.

On Dec. 22, 2016, Richard MacFarlane and Maureen MacLeod formally applied for “Permission to Appeal to the Supreme Court” against the opinion of the Inner House of the Court of Session, in the case of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body against them. This court-stamped application can be read at King of Scotland, along with other Affidavits submitted to the courts regarding the case.

indycamp-ordered-to-pay-costThe Court’s ruling on Dec. 16, 2016, that appellants must pay court costs is not being enforced until after the application of appeal is settled.

MacFarlane and MacLeod’s APPLICATION makes it crystal-clear why Scotland’s true independence is tied into being a God-fearing nation; instead of being a “we can’t beat the system” nation. It explains why the little camp got the attention of The Most High; and why The Most High got the attention of everyone else.

What one might not realize is that “this little gem of a case” was watched by law-firms across the whole of Britain, according to one court insider. So while some may have passed it off as entertainment; and some were playing it cool; His Story was being made.

When we don’t learn, history repeats itself. The IndyCamp case proved a few things about our generation – we don’t listen; we falsely think we know best; and we still want to be in the in-crowd laughing outside Noah’s Ark. And while this describes many of those who chimed in on social media at hashtag# IndyCamp, what one didn’t hear is the sound of the knees knocking of those at the top shaking in their shoes; quietly watching.

To say that “all” were quietly watching might be a bit of an over-statement, because some were obviously formulating their counter-moves; which came in the form of ignorance, because in July 2016, Judge Alan Turnbull ignored the Affidavit of Truth submitted by Christ that magnified God’s Law. Then, in October 2016, the Inner Court judges evaded His second Affidavit by “losing it”.

macfarlane-macleod-applicationThe Scots need en-masse to voice their support for the APPLICATION For PERMISSION TO APPEAL TO THE SUPREME COURT to be granted, so that God’s Most High Law can go one-on-one with man in his own lowly “high” court; which will prove which is SUPREME. And the highest court in the land needs to take His Case very seriously without evil tactics; which, in the end, will be their demise.

For more background, please read the following articles:

Back to Bethel – IndyCamp And Its Prophetic Significance
IndyCamp: Sovereignty and Spirituality at the Court of Session
IndyCamp loses legal fight against Holyrood Eviction
IndyCamp eviction appeal thrown out by Court of Session

{This article is from a Press Release by The Stone of Destiny Group. It’s shortlink here is}


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